Creating you a bespoke identity that stands out from the crowd

Whether you’re a sole trader or looking to start an empire, I’m here to help!

I'll guide you through every step of the brand creation process, from developing your brand identity, including your unique voice and style, to designing your logo and website.

Whilst AI is growing rapidly in design (which needs embracing) there’s still the need of an empathetic, human touch!

I have a custom process I go through with every client ensuring I’m really
getting to know you, and what you represent as an individual.

Making the Promotion and Operation of your business a walk in the park

With a 10 year background in the sales and hospitality industry I have all the resources and ideas to develop the right campaign for you.

No job is too much whether it be an event poster or full menu design.

Need something printed? Not an issue! I have the perfect contact using the best materials, offering efficient delivery to home or workplace.


Mark Colwill - Dancemasters UK/AU

“James’ service is flawless. His attention to detail, creativity and individual focus has revitalised the look of my business. James spent a great deal of time to get to know my business and what the vision is for the future. He combined all the elements of “sound” “music” “fun” and “power” into the designs. With the use of the new logos and imagery for the website, I feel that my business has been propelled into the future and stands out against the competitors.

Thank you James and I will be highly recommending your service to others (but not my competitors !!!) ”

Richard Dennis - GM
Value Liquor Group

I’ve had the pleasure of working with James as a graphic designer and highly recommend him for his exceptional design skills. James has the unique ability to design visually exciting and effective advertising and marketing for a variety of media for our business, including print and digital.

James is highly skilled in graphic design software and pays meticulous attention to detail, ensuring that all his designs are of the highest quality. He can work efficiently in a fast-paced environment and easily handle multiple projects, always meeting deadlines and exceeding my and our members expectations.

James’ ability to assist and collaborate with new initiatives for our group and members and create design concepts that made him a very important and valuable member of our business.

I would highly recommend James and am confident he will positively impact and grow your business.